As the project entered in its second year, the research team meet for the second annual meeting with the Advisory board composed of Jonathan Darling from Durham University and Birte Nienaber from the University of Luxembourg. While the first meeting held in June 2018 focused on discussing the orientations of the research, this meeting was focused on issues related to the fieldwork.
After the participants addressed management related issues in the morning, Léa Lemaire presented the progress of the fieldwork in Luxembourg, which started in February. So far, she conducted 14 interviews, included 10 with social workers (4 from Red Cross, 6 from Caritas), 3 with residents of reception facilities, 1 with a municipal employee.
In the afternoon, the participants were joined by Verena Gantner from the German Development Institute (DIE) who presented the results of the project on “Effects of Cash-for-Work-Programs for Syrian Refugees in Jordan” she was part of. Then Lucas Oesch presented some first elements of analysis resulting from the fieldwork he conducted in April in Jordan, before he tried together with Léa Lemaire to make connections between the Luxembourg and Jordan case studies.